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Is The Market Decline And Rotation Due To The Yen?

By Michael Lebowitz and Lance Roberts | Jul 26, 2024 | Daily Market Commentary
Can we blame the yen for the recent market decline and severe rotation from large to small caps? Before discussing the yen and its potential role, it’s important to disclaim that this is just one possible theory to explain the recent violent market decline and rotation.The yen carry trade occurs when hedge funds and other institutional investors borrow in yen at near-zero interest rates. They convert the yen to dollars and buy stocks a...
Portfolio Trade Alert – July 18, 2024

Portfolio Trade Alert – July 18, 2024

By Lance Roberts | Jul 18, 2024 | PRO TRADING
Trade Alert - Equity & ETF Model We are continuing our process of derisking portfolios by rebalancing positions back to their target weights. This process reduces current position sizes and raises cash, which will help alleviate portfolio deterioration during a market correction. In the Equity Model, we ar...
Friday Favorites- ‘Green Baby Green’

Friday Favorites- ‘Green Baby Green’

By Michael Lebowitz and Nick Lane | Jul 26, 2024 | PRO BLOG
Last week's Friday Favorites, 'Drill Baby Drill', screened for traditional carbon-based energy stocks based on the growing probability of a Trump victory. With news of Biden exiting the race and Kamala Harris likely taking his spot, we think it may also be worth looking for green energy stocks that could benefit from Harris rejuvenating the Democrats and possibly winning the election. Bear in mind that even if she wins the nominati...
Russell Explodes Higher As Rotation Takes Hold

Russell Explodes Higher As Rotation Takes Hold

By Lance Roberts | Jul 20, 2024 | PRO NEWSLETTER
By Lance Roberts | July 20, 2024